Online seminář Artificial Intelligence v autorském právu

Online seminář Artificial Intelligence v autorském právu

Zveme Vás na online seminář Artificial Intelligence v autorském právu, který se uskuteční 30. 11. 2021 od 9:30 do 11:00 hod. Co znamená AI v právním světě? Lze chránit díla vytvořená robotem? Na co si dát pozor při tvorbě datasetů? Jakými způsoby lze chránit AI?...
InQbay Academy WS 2020 online event program

InQbay Academy WS 2020 online event program

The InQbay University Incubator in the winter semester of 2020 represents a continuation of the new InQbay Academy education concept. Entrepreneurial students and startups have the opportunity to draw on the rich experience and know-how of many experts on a variety of...
Christmas Startup & Tech mixer in InQbay

Christmas Startup & Tech mixer in InQbay

Christmas startup & tech mixer was the great opportunity how to mingle with students, alumni and technology transfer experts from CTU as well as many more inspiring people from the InQbay community. We all enjoy the Christmas spirit! Thank you for being with us!...
The CTU technology transfer at Columbia University

The CTU technology transfer at Columbia University

Thank you Columbia University, Columbia Technology Ventures (CTV) for inspirational meeting. These tech-transfer matadors manage more than 350 invention disclosures, 100 license deals, and 20+ new IP-backed startups, involving over 750 inventors across...