Notification of creative activities results

Employees under employment contract are required to notify their employer of all results of their creative activities according to § 9 of the Act No. 527/1990 Coll. on Inventions and Rationalisation Proposals. This obligation is stated in the Rector´s Directive No. 20/2020 on The Protection, Management and Use of Intellectual Property at CTU in Prague. See Inforek.

Notification process

The notification of creative activities results is managed via EZOP internal system – Notification of intellectual property Input record – EZOP (

The employees of the Patent Centre are at your disposal, they will contact you after receiving the system notification („proposal “status). Contact:

Within three months from the date of receipt of this notification, the employer (CTU) will decide whether to claim their right to ownership or not and will notify the employee of their decision. If they choose to claim the right to ownership (accepting to manage the results), all property rights belong to the employer (CTU), if they decline, all rights belong to the employee. The notification is usually followed by the protection of intellectual property (if it is useful) and commercialization.

The results of creative activities are divided into the following categories:

  1. Industrial Right

Concerns results belonging into the three following categories:

  • Inventions, i.e., patents (under Act No. 527/1990 Coll. on Inventions and Rationalisation Proposals as subsequently amended)
  • Technical solutions, i.e., utility models (under Act No. 478/1992 Coll. on Utility Models) which are new, exceed the framework of mere professional skill and are industrially applicable
  • New appearance of the product or its part showing individual character, i.e., an industrial design (under Act No. 207/2000 Coll. on The Protection of Industrial Designs)
  1. Copyright

The subject matter of copyright are results under the Act No.121/2000 Coll., i.e., a literary work or any other work of art or a scientific work including software or database.

  1. Know-how

A collection of non-patented practical knowledge emerging from experience and research by the owner who is secret, significant and identifiable.